It’s no secret that data loss can be a costly nightmare for a small business, with recent estimates citing the total cost of data breaches exceeding $2.1 trillion by 2019.
Unfortunately, cyber attackers increasingly target small businesses because they are less likely to have appropriate or updated security measures in place. Accidental loss due to a lightning strike or other power outage or loss due to data theft can be extremely harmful to a business, with recovery efforts and delays grinding productivity to a halt. The benefit of having Xero in the cloud gives you the ability to have multiple back-ups at different sites without needing to spend millions on security. They also spend millions on making data secure.
Every business should have a customised data security plan in place to outline their information assets, identify security risks and the specific steps to be taken by the organisation to mitigate those risks.
To improve security and protect your small business from data loss, make a security plan.
Every company, big or small, should have a customised plan in place to outline their information assets, identify security risks and the specific steps needed to mitigate those risks.
Your data security plan is a living document that will need to be updated regularly to keep up with shifts in technology as well as changes in personnel.
Other key security measures are data encryption, up to date anti-virus protection and tracking software – as well as a system of regularly scheduled, automatic back-ups.
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