Single Touch Payroll

stp2Since our last newsletter, we have received enquiries relating to the necessity of Single Touch Payroll for some clients. Our response is that anyone who is registered for wages does need to comply. If you do employ casuals at any time during the year, you will still need to be registered for annual lodgement. There has been some confusion around this, with the ATO reporting that only 23 per cent of small employers had complied with requirements. Many businesses in this situation do not realise that this is relevant to them. Please advise your preference for monthly, quarterly or annual lodgement and we will notify the ATO of your choice by the end of the year.

Super deadlinesmoney

The due date for superannuation guarantee contributions for the period 1 July to 30 September is 28 November. Please remember that if you are using a clearing house, this deadline needs to be a week earlier to allow for this additional process. If you know you’re going to miss the due date for lodging an SGC statement, you can ask for an extension of time.

Office warming

Save the date on November 29 for our official welcome to the new office. We will keep you posted with further details and look forward to welcoming clients to our new space!