Have you got a succession plan?

More than 850 business leaders who participated in a survey for the Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (AESC) consistently identified business continuity as the most pressing challenge when identifying next generation leaders. Globally and across industries, senior executives realise there is fierce competition for top talent who can lead during times of uncertainty,…

Peacocke Accountants October newsletter

Single Touch Payroll Since our last newsletter, we have received enquiries relating to the necessity of Single Touch Payroll for some clients. Our response is that anyone who is registered for wages does need to comply. If you do employ casuals at any time during the year, you will still need to be registered for…

Single Touch Payroll

Parliament has passed legislation to extend STP to include all employers from 1 July 2019. This will be a gradual start, and not all employers will start reporting at the same time. Determine when you need to start reporting from one of the following options: Start reporting now – If you use payroll software which offers STP,…

We’re moving!

During September, we will be moving from the Riverview Business Park in North Dubbo to the Village Bakery Complex at 5/113-115 Darling St. Our last day in the old office will be August 28. During the first 2 – 3 weeks of September, we won’t have a physical office as the new office is still…

Tax reminder to clients


This is a friendly reminder to companies and Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) that tax payable for the 2018 financial year is due by 15 May 2019.

We will send out payment slips for the SMSFs. Companies would have received payment slips with their Financial Statements.  Please contact us if you need another copy emailed.

Peacocke Accountants April newsletter

    Guarantee contribution reminder If you haven’t already submitted your superannuation guarantee contributions for this quarter (January – March 2019), then it is time to get this chore done. Finalising your contributions should be done as soon as possible so that they are received by your fund on or before April 28. Keep in mind that there are…

Peacocke Accountants March newsletter

 If only there was a rain app… There are always ongoing changes in the world of business, particularly where technology is concerned. According to a recent Xero report, “there is a strong relationship between connected app use and better business performance.” Extending the benefits of digital connectivity to all of Australia’s 2.23 million small and…

Free offer to clients

Many clients know I love technology that saves time. One of these technologies can read invoices, till receipts and all types of documents and automatically files them. It will automatically re-create the invoice in Xero for me to pay or match to a direct debit. Using this technology for the past four years in my…