Happy New Year to all our clients. We hope you had a restful and relaxing Christmas and wish everyone a happy and prosperous year ahead. Our office reopened on January 10 and we are happy to connect with clients to discuss upcoming financial needs. We are operating in a COVID-safe manner and can meet with you in person, or virtually if that is your preference.
Reminder about payments
It might be January but Super Guarantee Payments do not take holidays! The next deadline is January 28 and if you use a clearing house, you will need to allow an additional week’s processing time. Please do not think it is payable when your BAS is due, because this will only leave you disappointed.

Speaking of BAS, the deadline for quarterly reporting for the October to December period is February 28. If you lodge online, you may be eligible for a two-week extension.
Dine and Discover
Have you used your latest Dine and Discover NSW vouchers yet? More vouchers were released by the State Government in December and are available for immediate use. Existing Service NSW customers do not need to reapply; the vouchers should have just reappeared in your account. If you haven’t set up your account yet, call in to your nearest Service NSW centre or call 13 77 88 to enquire about accessing the vouchers.
Letter to clients
We are currently putting together a letter providing more information about the ATO’s paperless operations and what you will need to do to comply with this process. Stay tuned for more information so that you don’t miss out on any important messages.
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