Parliament has passed legislation to extend STP to include all employers from 1 July 2019.

This will be a gradual start, and not all employers will start reporting at the same time.

Determine when you need to start reporting from one of the following options:

Start reporting now – If you use payroll software which offers STP, you can update your product and start reporting any time. Talk to your software provider, or visit their website, to find out what you need to do. See the ATO’s checklist for some important steps you need to take to connect your software.

Start reporting any time before 30 September 2019 – See How to report to find out about STP solutions.

Apply for more time to get ready – If you won’t be ready to start reporting by 30 September 2019, use the online form to apply for a deferred start date. See Single Touch Payroll deferrals.

Ask for an exemption if you meet the criteria – If you live in an area with intermittent or no internet connection, you can apply online for an exemption.